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Last year I finally got down my New Living Translation One Year Bible and read through it.  I’ve been reading through the whole Bible since I became a born-again Christian, over 30 years ago.  It has never taken me a year to read through the whole thing — my usual time is a year and a half.  I have never pressured myself to read through the whole Bible in a year — as long as I am reading it every day than that is the most important thing to me.

But I wanted to read my Bible in a different way, so I took down my One Year Bible that I had purchased years ago.  I have enjoyed it very much!  Reading the same thing in a new translation has opened scripture to me in new and fresh ways.  Reading a bit of Old and New Testaments, as well as a little of Psalms and Proverbs every day was different and interesting to me.

But as the year went on I began to miss “my” Bible more and more.  The one with the leather cover and my initials in it. The one with all the papers stuck in it. The one with highlights and margin notes and notes from my Study Bible and notes from sermons.  I missed the feel of the pages and knowing just exactly where verses and chapters fell on the page.

So now I am done with my One Year Bible and I am back reading in “my” Bible.  Oh, how I have missed the feel of your cover and the sound of your pages turning!  Read your Bible every day.  It doesn’t matter how long it takes you to get through the whole thing. Just read it every day.

My Bible

Posted January 2, 2016 by Maureen in Christian, Musings

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For my scripture reading I am doing the read-scripture-in-order program.  I enjoyed it so much the first time I’m going it again.  During the time you read the books of Kings you also read Chronicles and Psalms.

Do you ever put yourself into your scripture reading?  Do you wonder what it was like to walk through the Red Sea?  See the world engulfed in water?  See a giant like Goliath?  See Solomon’s temple?

I often find myself wondering these things, thinking on the scripture I read that morning as I go about my day.  What was it like to live in the desert with David when he was hiding from Saul, on the run with a band of men that looked to you for leadership and guidance and provision?  David did it when he was young – probably in his late teens and early 20’s.  That’s a lot of responsibility for someone so young, but he must have been good at it since the numbers of men joining him kept growing.

I recently read 2 Chronicles 22 and 28-29 about David making extensive plans and provisions for the temple that he knew his son Solomon would build.  I don’t know why that section so strikes me every time I read it.  Perhaps it is because I’m a woman and know how much enjoyment can be had by planning and saving and gathering – in preparation for a future home / event / baby / remodel.

By the time Solomon had established himself into his kingdom, everything was ready for the temple.  How marvelous it must have looked!  How awesome to live in Jerusalem during that time and see it all slowly take shape.  What a blessing to be there during the dedication. And how wonderful it must have been to bring your sacrifice to the temple for the first Passover celebration!

What about you?  What scripture do you really relate to and think about and picture yourself in?

Posted January 30, 2014 by Maureen in Christian, Musings

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